Are you interested in supporting Orphans in your community?

Join OphanMe Advocate!

Hope for Orphans in Education

Educational status is an important indicator of a child’s wellbeing and future life opportunities. It can predict growth potentials of the child. While this is an ideal situation for most children, an orphan may be an exception due to the volume of challenges they go through in school and the community. Some drop out from school at an early age while others manage their stay in school by engaging in child labour. This is a worrying trend that calls for attention from all and sundry.

About Us

Every child needs and deserves to be educated with a sense of belonging and support to reach their full potentials to promote education. OrphanMe gives hope to the defenseless young orphans to attain their full academic goals.
“A family, they say is what every child needs but not owned by all. Being an orphan is not what any child will wish for, but it is not something one has control over. Orphanages are often the only option for orphaned children, yet available to few. There are a lot of orphans living in our communities who are in need more than a family” Grace, an advocate writes.
Majority of orphans attend schools with little provision for their learning materials such as exercise books, school bags, uniforms, shoes etc. These impedes the intellectual development of these young orphans since they are not actively involved in the teaching and learning process. The situation can change, and it can begin from us. You can help drive the change in the life of one orphan by becoming an advocate for orphans or donating to support the education of orphans.
Supported Orphans
GHS 0+
Amount Raised
Completed Project


  • Annual Visits To An Orphanage
    Each year, partners visit a needy orphanage in a rural area where donations are hardly made to donate to help the education of orphans in the orphanage home.
  • Frequent Visits Or Checks On Beneficiaries Of Orphanme
    We make frequent visits to orphans who are beneficiaries of OrphanME in the early stages to monitor their progress in studies and provide necessary guidance when necessary.
  • Annual Orphans Support
    We contribute towards our annual #ShareLoveToAnOrphan project. Each partner takes full responsibility of providing the academic needs of orphan(s) identified in his or her region.


Make Payment to the account below

Dial *170# on your MTN mobile phone and transfer money to:

MTN Number: 0248955848

Account Name: Justine Addison


Our Advocators

Our amazing orphanMe advocators understand the need to support the marginalized in the society. Together, we are creating a world where every orphan of school going age can fully enjoy education. Why? Simply because it is evident within our communities that orphans mostly suffer neglect which negatively affects their ability for proper mental and physical growth

Our Services

Every Ghanaian child has the right to education but not all are enjoying this right. A child who has access to quality basic education has better chances in managing the daily routines in the society. A child who can read, write and perform basic arithmetic has a solid foundation on which further studies can be built in life. In ensuring this strong foundation, we try to eliminate truancy, school drop outs among orphans. He want to ensure full school attendance among orphans which will help regain a sense of belonging and drive away all psychosocial experiences that may disrupt their academic work. In line with this, we have three ways of helping orphans.

A Feel of Education

A feel of education service targets very young orphans who have never step foot in the classroom. This is mostly common in the rural areas where schooling itself has not been made lucrative.
Caregivers for these orphans are visited and the needed educational support are provided to put these kids in schools. Their attendance and progress in school are carefully monitored through regular visits by an advocate nearby. Together we can make every orphan have a good feel of education. Education is a must for all.

Back to Class

The back to class service support seeks to return orphans who dropped out of school due to loss of their parent back to the teaching and learning environment. Mostly when parents die, orphans are left under the care of their aged grandparents who are likely to be financially unstable. This situation makes orphans experience financial constraints which further disadvantage them as they cannot afford the cost of their education.
Orphans feel deeply the absence of their parents thereby creating some form of emotional discomfort anytime they see their mates enjoy the very things they could also enjoy should their parents be alive. To avoid being humiliated in school, some opt to end their education and their aged grandparents remain weak in the fight to put them back to the classroom. It is not late, let’s get them back to the classroom.

A Reach to my Dream

Dreams of the young orphan cannot be shuttered because of the absence of biological parents. This option provides support to needy orphans struggling in their pursuit to reach their dream career. OrphanMe supports youthful orphans to learn a trade, handskill or further their studies.

Be An Advocate

You can equally help OrphanMe to reach out to a needy orphan in school. Be an advocate today and lets campaign for support to orphans in our communities. Be the voice of the voiceless orphans in your community, be a pillar for the educational growth of orphans in your community. Yes, together with OrphanMe, you will put smiles on the faces of orphans within your community.

Fil this form if you want to be an advocate

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